New Patient Process: Cancer Patients

Patients currently awaiting or undergoing treatment for a diagnosis of cancer have a slightly different intake process than general naturopathic practice patients at the Marsden Centre .  If you are being referred to the Marsden Centre  by another healthcare professional for integrative cancer care please ensure your provider has filled out our referral form which can be found by clicking here.  This will expedite the first patient visit. If you are not being referred by a healthcare provider to our centre please contact reception to set-up a new patient visit.


In preparation for your first visit we ask that you obtain copies of all relevant diagnostic assessments (imaging reports, pathology reports, blood work reports) along with recent consult notes.  These can normally be provided by requesting this information from your oncologist’s reception or the hospital records department.  If possible, please fax or email these reports to the Marsden Centre  reception ahead of our visit so your doctor has a chance to review thereby expediting your visit.  If you are unable to get copies of these reports before your first visit you will be asked to sign an authorization for release of your clinical file information from your treating oncologist/hospital.